TMS for our Military Dependents

The TMS Center of Ventura proudly stands beside our Military Families who face very unique challenges even as they make the very real contributions to protecting the American way of life.

We are a proud in network partner of TRICARE, the health care program for uniformed service members, retirees, and their families around the world. Together with TRICARE, we help active-duty military and veterans’ dependents, spouses and adult children who stand higher than normal risks of developing major depression.

Depression and Military Families

Studies show how depression is more prevalent in military service members as compared to the civilian population. But repeated deployments and trauma-related stress are not just increasing the risk of depression in service members; their spouses and children are also at an increased risk of experiencing emotional and behavioral problems.

Depression is a serious condition. It is characterized by persistent and intense feelings of sadness. These also lead to a wide range of negative feelings like stress, fatigue, anger, irritability and despair impacting mood and behavior, affecting various physical functions such as appetite and sleep, having difficulty concentrating and making decisions and thus having trouble performing everyday activities. It can also lead to social isolation or retreating to ones feelings of worthlessness, guilt, or self-hate.

Occasionally, depressed members may feel that life itself isn’t worth living. In a first-ever report on military family suicides released only in 2019, the Pentagon said that 123 spouses and 63 children took their own lives in 2017 and that of those 186 deaths, 122 were among active-duty personnel families, 29 among Reserve families and 35 of National Guard families.

In the Service, Living Life to the Fullest.

There’s new hope. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation or TMS is now healing major depression in many who have tried various forms of antidepressant treatments but failed to get relief.

1 in 2 patients improved significantly

4x more likely to achieve remission from major depression

1 in 3 were free of depression symptoms

Durable relief over 12 months

Cleared by the FDA in 2008 and recommended by the American Psychiatric Association since 2010, TMS is a drug-free, non-invasive and proven safe and effective outpatient treatment at the TMS Center of Ventura and available for Military Families.

Choose freedom

TMS uses magnetic pulses to stimulate nerve cells in the specific areas of the brain that are involved in mood control. Repeated stimulation of this region of the brain, which is often underactive in patients with depression, has been clinically proven to produce an enduring antidepressant effect.

The TMS Center of Ventura has also pioneered in more technologically advanced and life-changing treatments like TBS or Intermittent Theta-burst Stimulation or TBS. Approved by the FDA in August 2018, TBS is a much faster and even more effective form of TMS, producing longer lasting effects and translating to higher rates of remission in depression treatment.

Together TMS and TBS are bringing hope to members of our military and their families who may be suffering from major depression even after talk therapy and antidepressant medication.

Contact Us

Get in touch for a comprehensive evaluation to see if TMS and/or TBS is for you.

Get in touch with us!

Get in touch for a comprehensive evaluation to see if TMS and/or TBS is for you.


Dr. Mendiola completed his advanced Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Fellowship at Duke University Medical Center. His office is located at 1752 S. Victoria Avenue, Suite #250 Ventura, CA 93003. He also serves patients in the Santa Barbara and Thousand Oaks areas.

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